At the top of the homepage of the program, basic data for current analytics is presented, followed by a list of currently available cars with an indication of their condition.
The employee who processes customer orders has information about available cars, their technical condition, availability for booking, cleanliness and volume of fuel, the date of the next booking and location.
For an employee who is servicing a car, all the necessary information is also in front of their eyes: the date of the previous inspection of the car, the need for maintenance or repair, how much tires cost.
At the bottom of the page is a list of the latest operations carried out in the program, which makes it possible to track which employee performed this or that action (available to administrators and managers).
Wash - here you can look and, if necessary, indicate whether the car was washed or dirty.


Tank - viewing and changing the fuel level in the car - filled / not filled.

Requires refueling

Nearest booking - view the date of the next car booking. When clicked, you will be taken to the booking card.
Technical reservations are not indicated in the Nearest booking column. If you have a technical reservation that prevents you from issuing a car for rent, be sure to set the status to Under repair.
Repairs - a list of maintenance and repair operations necessary for the car. The periodic maintenance message is displayed automatically. Repair information can be entered manually in the Car Card. You can mark the completion of the repair by clicking on the corresponding notification.
Location - view and change information about the location of the vehicle.
TO (technical inspection) - viewing information about the date of the last inspection of the car by an employee (checking technical fluids, lighting devices and technical condition). By clicking on the appropriate field, you can enter information about the next inspection of the machine.
Tires - view and change information about the seasonal tires on the car.