Politique de confidentialité

RentProg Privacy Policy

RentProg care about your privacy. We aim to ensure that your personal data is secured by managing it in accordance with the provisions of the new EU Regulation implemented on 25th of May 2018 - “General Data Protection Regulation” or often referred to as “GDPR”.

Who we are

RentProg are a car rental service and our offices are located at Rua das Acacias-Amarelas 82 in Portimao, Portugal.

We strive to provide you with excellent customer service and a pleasant experience in relation to our vehicles and/or services provided.

Your personal data includes information such as:

How we use your personal data and for what purpose

We may use the information that we collect from you to:

Retention of your personal information

We retain your personal information for as long as we need to fulfil our business purposes, as seen below:


When using the RentProg website cookies are automatically placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies are a way of storing your personal information making it easier to tailor to your preferences, and having easier access to the website by remembering your log-in details.

There are different types of cookies used for different purposes. These include necessary cookies which are required for the function of this website, analytics cookies which enable us to monitor use of the website for an improved user experience, and advertising cookies which are used by advertising companies to tailor ads to yours interests.

You have the right to object to certain cookies being used when browsing this website. If you wish to review the cookie options click ‘Change Settings’.

Your rights

According to the new Regulation your rights include:

You also have the right to opt out of marketing communications by following the instructions in the communication that you receive from us.


If you wish to contact RentProg about our privacy policy then do so using the following:

Address: Estrada Nacional 2, N7, Carvoeira, Penacova, Portugal

E-mail: admin@rentprog.com

Tel: +7 902 037-11-33